When There’s No Way Back

I always know when something in my life has come to an end, because I find myself on the outside of a door that has no handle on my side.... in other words there is No Way Back. 
What do I do now, plays in my head? To add to the angst, I find myself standing on a ledge with mist around me. Not just a little bit of mist but thick mist and you don't step in any direction when you can't see your hand in front of your face.
How do I find my way from this place? I surrender to the situation. I relax, go inside. listen and feel. I pay attention to what is around me intuitively and when something appears through the mist I feel my way into it and let my heart tell me if it is worth stepping off my ledge for.
The other way I converse with my higher self in times of confusion and crisis, is to go inwards and sit by my fire. I build a fire in a clearing by a lake or on the seashore and sit there contemplating and reviewing previous events or whatever is pushing in on me. Through this process, insights come to me and I allow myself the grace and time to be in the stillness by my fire.
Before I know it I am up and walking towards my next life experience.
A dear friend and I recently organised a reunion with some special people with whom we had shared a theatrical experience in 2001. These wonderful people hold a special place in my heart. We considered writing another show and inviting these amazing people to join us, but it wasn’t to be.
The thing to remember is you can't GET BACK TOGETHER. The important word there is BACK. You can REUNITE but you can't go back.
Let's apply this to a relationship. However the relationship has ended, by death or parting of the ways, from that point on there’s only way to go and that is forward. If your relationship was wonderful and filled you with love, then you can have that again maybe not with that person but with someone else. There is never just one person for us.

Or the opposite may apply and it wasn't great BACK there when you were together , so why would you want to return to how it was before? 
I have clients who come for coaching and insights into their amazing complex and challenging lives.
Some have their Let's Live In The Past belief systems on and are most often looking at themselves as failures or at other persons faults and failings, instead of looking inside themselves and bearing witness to the glaringly obvious fact that they have changed and it’s time for a new chapter.
The door has shut on their old relationship/job/friendship/life/belief system and they’ve been spending their precious time trying to craft a door handle so they can go back, because going forward is way too scary.
​Life is calling you into the unknown. Your inner voice is saying, 'turn around and look into the mist, you’re attempting to fix what is not broken; be patient with yourself.  Stop trying to fashion a door handle out of a shoelace and your cell phone charger, because you won't succeed. Out there in the mist is your new life. The one you chose to live so you could learn and grow from the experiences of the path you chose. Now you are at the crossroads again, and again you have choices to make. Do you follow your heart, or your fears and beliefs that no longer serve you?
I applaud your choice to struggle and sweat because you believe that it builds character and makes you stronger. However prolonged periods of such activities will make you weak and frail. You will lose heart for your life, resulting in a loss of belief in the wonder of your existence. 
Turn around and look into the mist. There’s a light there. It may be small and you have to blink a few times to allow your brain to acknowledge its existence, but the more that you focus on it the brighter it will become to you.'
You can't get your life wrong. There is no wrong. There is just you and your soul’s journey through time and space. Stop, reflect. Keep it simple do it really well. Enjoy. Relax. Celebrate. Contemplate and most of all be kind to yourself. 
There you go. Put down your feeble escape tools and surrender to your inner peacefulness. Build a fire, sing a song, write, draw, imagine, create, fantasise, take long or short walk. Give your heart and soul some well needed attention.'
When there is no way back be grateful because out there in the mist is your new adventure. It's longing for you just as much as you are for it.
​Go well and go in peace.


I Dreamed Of A Time – We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For.


Just Be More Of Yourself.